Thursday, February 02, 2006

Mercy Watson to the Rescue

Speaking of Kate DiCamillo, we (my son and I) finally read Mercy Watson to the Rescue a few weeks ago. After we finished it, he requested a second reading. This is a high compliment from a boy who treasures his I Spy books above all else.

Mercy is a very cute, very funny beginning reader. The story is about a pig who loves buttered toast so much that the pursuit of it occupies most of her time and attention. Her doting human family are counting on her to rescue them from a perilous situation, but will she bring help in time--or will the thought of a heaping pile of hot, buttered toast drive her to distraction? The answer comes in short chapters full of comic action, brought to life by the lively illustrations that did justice to this endearing 'porcine wonder'. (Truly, Mercy's facial expressions are hilarious.)

As it turns out, Mercy (okay, Kate DiCamillo) really is a hero, because the book fit perfectly into our bedtime routine. On nights when my son was a little high-strung and I was worn out, reading one brief chapter was a happy compromise for both of us. He still got his bedtime story and went to sleep at a decent time; my sanity was saved. Hooray! Mercy Watson to the rescue!

We are looking forward to the release of the next installment, Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride, which is just around the corner (May 9, according to Amazon).


Kelly said...

Thanks for the recommendation, Jamie! I'll try it with my son. It would have been perfect for tonight...he had his kindergarten shots this morning and still is suffering :(

Jamie said...

Aww, poor little guy. :( Those are never fun... hope he's feeling better today!